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Reality vs. Perception

Reality is a funny thing… because in truth there is no reality. There is only perception.

Each of us perceiving what we believe to be true. Seeing the world through own unique eyes. Not one of us seeing it in exactly the same way. All perceiving our own individual realities.

A girl seeing reality from her eyes

How amazing is it that each of us gets to experience life in this way. Not beholden to anyone’s else’s rules as there are no universal truths. Only one truth, for each of us, our own…

No one can know exactly how you feel or who you are. We can see each other yes, we can feel each other yes, we can connect to our soul, spirit level place and be deeply with one another yes… yet the depth of your reality will always be your own. Your unique, individual, beautiful, wonderful experience of your life. And that reality, your reality, is something no one can take from you. It is yours and will always be yours.

Your reality is not your destiny.

Each moment of your reality is your choice. You experience it, you perceive it and you create it. You choose what your reality looks like. You choose which shade of sunglasses you view your world through and at any given moment, you have the power to change your reality, to switch the shade of your sunglasses, to look at your world through a different lens and to amend your truth.

This is where your power lies… in your ability to change your perception of your reality. To step in and create your life through YOUR lens. One that is authentic to you, not your families, your societies, your friends, your lovers… YOURS.

Live your life through your eyes.

Create your own lens.

Let this be your reality. And inform your truth.


Invitations for Reflection

How do I currently perceive my life?

  • What lenses do I choose to look at the world through?

  • Are these lenses supportive in shaping the reality I desire? If not, where do I want to shift?

How are external perceptions influencing me?

  • How do others perceive me?

  • Do I believe these perceptions to be true?

    • If yes, is it supportive for me to believe these things? If not, how can I begin to shift these beliefs?

    • If no, do I still let them impact me?

  • Where am I letting others perceptions of me influence the choices I make?

  • What would happen if I let go of external perceptions?

    • What doors would open?

    • What actions would I take?

Reflections in the comments are oh so welcome xx

with love,

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Chirag Challa
Chirag Challa

What would happen if I let go of external perceptions? If you let this go, I think it gives you chance to get closer to your inner self and find authenticity in your own skin.

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